Percy Jackson embarks on a perilous mission, evading mythical creatures and outsmarting deities as he travels across the United States. His goal is to return Zeus’ master bolt and prevent…
Dan Chase vanished from the CIA many years ago and has since been living in seclusion. When a hitman shows up to eliminate him, the seasoned agent realizes that securing…
Set two decades before the events of Robert Louis Stevenson’s iconic “Treasure Island,” this tale follows the daring exploits of Captain Flint and his crew. Flint, renowned as the most…
It requires a courageous and altruistic individual to become a “human target” to safeguard those at risk. Inspired by the well-known DC Comics series, Human Target is an adrenaline-pumping action…
Jericho is an American action-drama television series that focuses on the inhabitants of the fictional town of Jericho, Kansas, as they navigate life following nuclear strikes on 23 major cities…