Crazy Beautiful You
In this romantic drama directed by Mae Cruz-Alviar, a rebellious young woman named Jackie, played by Kathryn Bernardo, is forced to join her mother on a medical mission in a rural area. There, she meets Kiko, portrayed by Daniel Padilla, a charming and responsible young man who helps her discover a new perspective on life and love. The film explores themes of family, self-discovery, and the transformative power of love. While it did not receive any major awards, it features the popular on-screen pairing of Bernardo and Padilla, known for their chemistry. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Mae Cruz-Alviar
Actors: Daniel Padilla, Dante Ponce, Gabby Concepcion, Hyubs Azarcon, Inigo Dominic Pascual, Iñigo Pascual, Kakai Bautista, Kathryn Bernardo, Kiray Celis, Lorna Tolentino, Neil Coleta
Country: Philippines
Company: ABS-CBN Film Productions, Star Cinema