City of God
Set in the slums of Rio de Janeiro, this gripping film follows the lives of two young boys who take divergent paths amidst the violence and crime of their neighborhood. The narrative spans several decades, capturing the rise of organized crime and the impact it has on the community. Directed by Fernando Meirelles, the film is renowned for its raw and realistic portrayal of life in the favelas. It received critical acclaim and was nominated for four Academy Awards. For those interested, it can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 35
Genre: Crime, Drama, Top250Movies
Director: Fernando Meirelles, Kátia Lund
Actors: Alexandre Rodrigues, Alice Braga, Douglas Silva, Emerson Gomes, Jefechander Suplino, Jonathan Haagensen, Leandro Firmino, Luis Otávio, Matheus Nachtergaele, Michel Gomes, Phellipe Haagensen, Roberta Rodrigues, Seu Jorge
Country: Brazil, France, Germany
Company: Globo Filmes, O2 Filmes, VideoFilmes
Worldwide Gross: $30,680,793