City Hunter
In this action-comedy film, a private detective is tasked with finding the runaway daughter of a wealthy businessman, leading him to a luxury cruise ship where chaos ensues. The movie stars Jackie Chan, whose martial arts prowess and comedic timing are on full display. Directed by Jing Wong, the film is known for its vibrant action sequences and humorous nods to pop culture, including a memorable scene inspired by a popular video game. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it remains a cult favorite among fans of the genre. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 11
Genre: Action, Adventure, Best Crime 2024, Best Mystery 2024, Comedy, Crime, Romance
Director: Jing Wong
Actors: Carol Wan, Carol Wan Chui-Pan, Chingmy Yau, Gary Daniels, Jackie Chan, Joey Wong, Ken Lo, Kumiko Goto, Leon Lai, Pal Sinn Lap-man, Richard Norton
Company: Golden Harvest Company, Golden Way Films Ltd., Paragon Films Ltd.