Christmas in Homestead
Jessica (Cole), a world-renowned actress known for her glamorous and often headline-grabbing lifestyle, finds her life taking an unexpected turn when she travels to Homestead, Iowa, to film a holiday movie. This town, with its deep love for Christmas, becomes the backdrop for a budding romance between her and Matt (Rady), a single father who runs a local inn. As Jessica immerses herself in the charm of small-town living, she also reconnects with the genuine spirit of Christmas.
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Director: Steven R. Monroe
Actors: Brandhyze Stanley, Brooklyn Rae Silzer, David de Vries, Jeff Branson, Katrina Norman, Michael Nardelli, Michael Rady, Rhoda Griffis, Sylvia Jefferies, Taylor Cole
Country: United States of America
Company: Crown Media Productions, Curmudgeon Films, Hallmark Channel