Christmas Evil
In this 1980 psychological horror film directed by Lewis Jackson, the story follows a man named Harry Stadling, played by Brandon Maggart, who becomes obsessed with Christmas and Santa Claus. As his obsession deepens, Harry’s mental state deteriorates, leading him to take on the persona of Santa Claus with increasingly disturbing consequences. The film explores themes of childhood trauma and societal pressures, offering a unique take on the holiday season. While it did not receive any major awards, it has gained a cult following over the years. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Lewis Jackson
Actors: Andy Fenwick, Brandon Maggart, Brian Hartigan, Brian Neville, Dianne Hull, Ellen McElduff, Gus Salud, Jeffrey DeMunn, Joe Jamrog, Wally Moran
Country: United States of America
Company: Edward R. Pressman Productions