Chocolate City
In this vibrant drama, a struggling college student, played by Robert Ri’chard, discovers a new world of opportunity and challenges when he becomes a dancer at a male strip club. The film explores themes of ambition, family, and self-discovery, set against the backdrop of a lively and energetic nightlife. With standout performances from Vivica A. Fox and Tyson Beckford, the movie offers a unique perspective on the pursuit of dreams. Directed by Jean-Claude La Marre, it provides an engaging narrative that captivates audiences. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Jean-Claude La Marre
Actors: Carmen Electra, Darrin Henson, DeRay Davis, Ernest Lee Thomas, Ginuwine, Jean-Claude La Marre, Michael Jai White, Robert Ri'chard, Tyson Beckford, Vivica A. Fox
Country: United States of America
Company: Nu-Lite Entertainment, Patriot Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $212,662