Set in the vibrant and gritty world of 1970s New York City, this film chronicles the rise of the iconic music club that became a launching pad for punk rock and new wave bands. The story follows Hilly Kristal, played by Alan Rickman, as he transforms a derelict bar into a legendary venue that hosted acts like The Ramones and Blondie. Directed by Randall Miller, the film captures the raw energy and rebellious spirit of the era. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it features notable performances from a talented ensemble cast. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Randall Miller
Actors: Alan Rickman, Ashley Greene, Johnny Galecki, Justin Bartha, Kyle Gallner, Malin Ă…kerman, Rupert Grint, Ryan Hurst, Stana Katic, Taylor Hawkins
Country: United States of America
Company: Rampart Films, Unclaimed Freight Productions
Worldwide Gross: $40,400