Catch Me If You Can
Directed by Steven Spielberg, this film is a captivating cat-and-mouse chase between a young con artist and an FBI agent. The story follows the real-life exploits of Frank Abagnale Jr., played by Leonardo DiCaprio, who successfully performed cons worth millions of dollars before his 19th birthday. Tom Hanks stars as the determined FBI agent Carl Hanratty, who is relentless in his pursuit of Abagnale. The film was nominated for two Academy Awards and is noted for its engaging narrative and strong performances. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 83
Genre: Biography, Crime, Drama, Top250Movies
Director: Steven Spielberg
Actors: Alex Hyde-White, Alexander Bisping, Alexandre Pepin, Alfred Dennis, Amy Acker, Amy Adams, Ana Maria Quintana, Andrew Meeks, Angela Sorensen, Anthony Powers, Antoine Drolet-Dumoulin, Ashley Cohen, Benita Krista Nall, Brandon Keener, Brian Goodman, Brian Howe, Candice Azzara, Celine du Tertre, Chris Ellis, Christopher Walken, Dave Hager, David Parent-Laliberté, Deborah Kellner, Dominic Bond, Donna Kimball, Elizabeth Banks, Ellen Pompeo, Ellis Hall, Eugene Fleming, Florent Legault, Francis Campeau, Frank Abagnale Jr., Frank John Hughes, Fred Datig, Gerald R. Molen, Guy Thauvette, Guy-Daniel Tremblay, J. Patrick McCormack, Jack Knight, Jaime Ray Newman, Jake Wagner, James Brolin, James DuMont, James Morrison, Jamie Anderson, Jamie Moss, Jan Munroe, Jane Bodle, Jane Edith Wilson, Jasmine Jessica Anthony, Jason McNally, Jean-François Blanchard, Jean-François Brousseau, Jennifer Garner, Jennifer Kan, Jennifer Manley, Jeremy Howard, Jesse Heiman, Jessica Collins, Jill Matson, Jim Antonio, Jimmie F. Skaggs, Joe Garagiola, Joel Ewing, John Finn, Jonathan Brent, Jonathan Dankner, Jonathan René, Joshua Boyd, Julien Normandeau, Kaitlin Doubleday, Kam Heskin, Kelly Cohen, Kelly Hutchinson, Kelly McNair, Kitty Carlisle, Kyle Davis, Lauren Cohn, Léon Dussault-Gagné, Leonardo DiCaprio, Lilyan Chauvin, Maggie Mellin, Malachi Throne, Marc-Antoine Côté, Margaret Travolta, Martin Sheen, Mathieu Gaudreault, Matthew Kimbrough, Max Kerstein, Mercedes Cornett, Mike Baldridge, Morgan Rusler, Nancy Lenehan, Nathalie Baye, Nicolas Radeschi, Pascal Larouche, Patrice Dussault, Patrick Thomas O'Brien, Paul Todd, Raphaël Cardin, Ray Proscia, Ritchie Montgomery, Robert Curtis Brown, Robert Peters, Robert Ruth, Robert Symonds, Roger Léger, Samuel St-Amour, Sarah Lancaster, Sarah Rush, Sébastien Jean, Shane Edelman, Simon Houle-Gauthier, Sr., Stan Bly, Stephen Dunham, Steve Eastin, Steve Witting, Steven Meizler, Thomas Crawford, Thomas Kopache, Tom Hanks, Vincent Généreux, Wendy Worthington, William Lauzon
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, DreamWorks Pictures, Kemp Company, Splendid Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $352,114,312