Castle Falls
In this action-packed thriller, Dolph Lundgren stars alongside Scott Adkins, delivering a gripping tale of survival and greed. The plot centers around a condemned building where a hidden fortune draws the attention of various desperate individuals, each with their own motives. As tensions rise and alliances shift, the characters must navigate a dangerous game of cat and mouse. Directed by Dolph Lundgren, the film combines intense action sequences with a suspenseful narrative. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller
Director: Dolph Lundgren
Actors: Billy Culbertson, Dave Halls, Dolph Lundgren, Ida Lundgren, Jim E Chandler, Kevin Wayne, Kim DeLonghi, Oren Hawxhurst, Scott Adkins, Scott Hunter
Country: United States of America
Company: BondIt Media Capital, Buffalo 8 Productions, Verdi Productions, VMI Worldwide
Worldwide Gross: $12,974