Captain Underpants
In this animated comedy directed by David Soren, two imaginative elementary school students, George and Harold, accidentally hypnotize their grumpy principal into becoming a dim-witted superhero. The film features the voice talents of Kevin Hart and Ed Helms, bringing to life a story filled with humor and adventure as the boys navigate the chaos that ensues. Based on the popular children’s book series, the movie captures the spirit of youthful creativity and friendship. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 5
Genre: Action, Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family
Director: David Soren
Actors: Brian Posehn, Chris Miller, Coco Soren, David Soren, Dee Dee Rescher, DeeDee Rescher, Ed Helms, Fred Tatasciore, Grey DeLisle, James Ryan, Jordan Peele, Kevin Hart, Kristen Schaal, Lesley Nicol, Leslie David Baker, Lynnane Zager, Mel Rodriguez, Nick Kroll, Sugar Lyn Beard, Susan Fitzker, Thomas Middleditch, Tiffany Lauren Bennicke
Country: Canada, France, United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, DreamWorks Animation, Scholastic, Scholastic Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $125,427,681