Captain Fantastic
In this 2016 film, a father, played by Viggo Mortensen, raises his six children in the forests of the Pacific Northwest, imparting a rigorous physical and intellectual education. However, the family is forced to leave their self-created paradise and confront the outside world, challenging their unconventional lifestyle. The movie, directed by Matt Ross, explores themes of family, society, and individuality. It received critical acclaim and Mortensen’s performance earned him an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 12
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Drama
Director: Matt Ross
Actors: Ann Dowd, Annalise Basso, Charlie Shotwell, Frank Langella, George MacKay, Kathryn Hahn, Nicholas Hamilton, Samantha Isler, Shree Crooks, Steve Zahn, Trin Miller, Viggo Mortensen
Country: United States of America
Company: Electric City Entertainment, ShivHans Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $23,149,206