Directed by Nadine Labaki, this poignant drama follows the journey of a young boy named Zain, who navigates the harsh realities of life on the streets of Beirut. The film delves into themes of poverty, neglect, and resilience, as Zain takes legal action against his parents for bringing him into a world of suffering. Notably, the film received critical acclaim and was awarded the Jury Prize at the 2018 Cannes Film Festival. It features a cast of non-professional actors, adding authenticity to its powerful narrative. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 15
Genre: Drama, Top250Movies
Director: Nadine Labaki
Actors: Alaa Chouchnieh, Boluwatife Treasure Bankole, Cedra Izzam, Elias Khoury, Fadi Kamel Yousef, Kawsar Al Haddad, Nadine Labaki, Nour el Husseini, Yordanos Shifera, Zain Al Rafeea
Country: Cyprus, France, Lebanon, Qatar, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Cedrus Invest Bank, Mooz Films, Sunnyland Film
Worldwide Gross: $64,417,003