Set against the backdrop of the Northern Ireland conflict, this film follows the life of a young Catholic man, portrayed by John Lynch, who becomes entangled in the political turmoil of the time. As he grapples with his conscience and the violence surrounding him, he finds solace in an unexpected relationship with a Protestant widow, played by Helen Mirren. Directed by Pat O’Connor, the film is a poignant exploration of love and moral ambiguity amidst societal unrest. Helen Mirren’s performance earned her the Best Actress award at the Cannes Film Festival. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Romance, Thriller
Director: Pat O'Connor
Actors: Catherine Gibson, Donal McCann, Gerard Mannix Flynn, Helen Mirren, John Kavanagh, John Lynch, Louis Rolston, Ray McAnally, Stevan Rimkus, Tom Hickey
Country: Ireland, United Kingdom