Kakunoshin Yanagida, portrayed by Tsuyoshi Kusanagi, was once a samurai but was unjustly expelled from his clan due to a wrongful accusation. He subsequently lived in destitution with his daughter, Kinu, played by Kaya Kiyohara. Despite their impoverished circumstances, Yanagida maintained the dignity and honor characteristic of a samurai. His integrity extended to his passion for the board game Go, which he always played with fairness. When the truth about the false accusation comes to light, Yanagida is deeply disturbed and consumed by anger. He resolves to seek vengeance, even if it means being separated from his beloved daughter.
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Director: Kazuya Shiraishi
Actors: Eita Okuno, Jun Kunimura, Kaya Kiyohara, Kyoko Koizumi, Masachika Ichimura, Taishi Nakagawa, Takuma Otoo, Takumi Saitoh, Tsuyoshi Kusanagi
Country: Japan
Company: Kinoshita Group
Worldwide Gross: $1,883,950