Buffalo Girls
“Buffalo Girls” follows the lives of Stam and Pet, two young girls aged eight, who are professional Muay Thai fighters. The film is set in the rural villages of Thailand and captures the emotional and often heart-wrenching journey of these girls as they compete in small, underground arenas. Their goal is to earn prize money to support their families. After enduring months of intense training and a demanding fight schedule, Stam and Pet face off against each other for the 20 Kilo championship belt of Thailand, with a cash prize that promises to transform the winner’s life.
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Genre: Action, Documentary
Director: Todd Kellstein
Actors: Jid, Lek, Nong, Pet Chor Chanachai, Stam Sor Con Lek, Torn, Walee Niyom
Country: Thailand, United States of America
Company: Buffalo Girls Movie, Union Entertainment Group (II)