Bridget Jones Diary
This romantic comedy follows the life of a single, 30-something woman navigating the ups and downs of her personal and professional life in London. Starring Renée Zellweger, Colin Firth, and Hugh Grant, the film explores themes of self-discovery and love with humor and charm. Directed by Sharon Maguire, it is based on the popular novel by Helen Fielding. The film was well-received for its witty script and Zellweger’s performance, earning her an Academy Award nomination. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 29
Genre: Comedy, Drama, New Year's Eve, Romance
Director: Sharon Maguire
Actors: Allison Tolman, Celia Imrie, Charlie Caine, Charmian May, Claire Skinner, Colin Firth, Crispin Bonham-Carter, David Cann, Dolly Wells, Dominic McHale, Donald Douglas, Embeth Davidtz, Emma Amos, Felicity Montagu, Gareth Marks, Gemma Jones, Honor Blackman, Hugh Grant, James Callis, James Faulkner, Jeffrey Archer, Jim Broadbent, Joan Blackham, John Clegg, Lisa Barbuscia, Lisa Kay, Mark Lingwood, Matthew Bates, Neil Pearson, Patrick Barlow, Paul Brooke, Rebecca Charles, Renée Zellweger, Renu Setna, Sally Phillips, Salman Rushdie, Sara Stockbridge, Sarah Alexander, Shirley Henderson, Stewart Wright, Sulayman Al-Bassam, Toby Whithouse
Country: France, Ireland, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Miramax, StudioCanal, Universal Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $334,273,059