Bottle Rocket
This 1996 film follows the misadventures of three friends as they embark on a series of small-time heists, led by the overzealous and ambitious Dignan. The story explores themes of friendship and ambition, set against a backdrop of quirky humor and heartfelt moments. The film stars Owen Wilson and Luke Wilson, marking their debut in the film industry. Directed by Wes Anderson, it showcases his distinctive style that would later become his trademark. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Wes Anderson
Actors: Andrew Wilson, Brian Tenenbaum, Donny Caicedo, Haley Miller, James Caan, Jenni Tooley, Jim Ponds, Kumar Pallana, Luke Wilson, Lumi Cavazos, Ned Dowd, Owen Wilson, Robert Musgrave, Shea Fowler, Teddy Wilson
Country: United States of America
Company: Columbia Pictures, Gracie Films
Worldwide Gross: $560,069