In this horror film directed by Ernest R. Dickerson, the story unfolds around Jimmy Bones, a charismatic and feared protector of his neighborhood, who is betrayed and murdered in 1979. Decades later, his spirit is awakened when a group of teenagers renovates his old home, unleashing a series of supernatural events. The film stars Snoop Dogg in the titular role, alongside Pam Grier and Michael T. Weiss. Known for its blend of horror and urban culture, the movie offers a unique take on the revenge ghost story. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Crime, Horror, Thriller
Director: Ernest R. Dickerson
Actors: Bianca Lawson, Clifton Powell, Katharine Isabelle, Khalil Kain, Merwin Mondesir, Michael T. Weiss, Pam Grier, Ricky Harris, Sean Amsing, Snoop Dogg
Country: United States of America
Company: Heller Highwater Productions, New Line Cinema, The Lloyd Segan Company
Worldwide Gross: $8,378,853