Body Cam
In this gripping thriller, a police officer, played by Mary J. Blige, investigates a series of disturbing events captured on body cam footage following the death of a fellow officer. As she delves deeper, she uncovers a mysterious and supernatural element that challenges her understanding of reality. The film, directed by Malik Vitthal, combines elements of horror and crime drama to create a tense atmosphere. It can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 6
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Malik Vitthal
Actors: Alfonzo Walker, Anika Noni Rose, David Warshofsky, David Zayas, Demetrius Grosse, Ian Casselberry, Lara Grice, Mary J. Blige, Nat Wolff, Philip Fornah
Country: United States of America
Company: ACE Entertainment, BET Films, Paramount Players