In this action-packed martial arts film, Jean-Claude Van Damme stars as Frank Dux, an American soldier who travels to Hong Kong to compete in a clandestine and highly dangerous tournament known as the Kumite. The movie showcases intense fight sequences and explores themes of honor and perseverance as Dux faces off against formidable opponents. Directed by Newt Arnold, the film is notable for its portrayal of martial arts and has gained a cult following over the years. While it did not receive major awards, it remains a significant entry in the martial arts genre. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Biography, Drama, Thriller
Director: Newt Arnold
Actors: Bolo Yeung, Donald Gibb, Forest Whitaker, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Kenneth Siao Wai-Keung, Leah Ayres, Norman Burton, Paulo Tocha, Philip Chan, Philip Chan Yan-Kin, Roy Chiao
Country: United States of America
Company: Cannon International
Worldwide Gross: $11,807,585