Blood Creek
In this horror thriller directed by Joel Schumacher, two brothers embark on a mission to uncover the dark secrets of a rural farmhouse in West Virginia. The film stars Dominic Purcell and Henry Cavill, who deliver intense performances as they confront a malevolent force tied to Nazi occultism. As the brothers delve deeper, they encounter a terrifying entity that has been lurking for decades. The movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Director: Joel Schumacher
Actors: Ana Popescu, Dominic Purcell, Emma Booth, Florin Piersic Jr., Gerard McSorley, Henry Cavill, Michael Fassbender, Rainer Winkelvoss, Shea Whigham, Tony Barger
Country: Romania, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Gold Circle Films
Worldwide Gross: $211,398