Directed by Ethan Hawke, this film delves into the life of Blaze Foley, a lesser-known yet influential figure in the Texas Outlaw Music movement. The narrative weaves through Foley’s tumultuous life, exploring his artistry, relationships, and the legacy he left behind. Starring Ben Dickey in a compelling performance as Foley, the film captures the essence of a musician whose work resonated with many, despite his struggles. For those interested, it can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 5
Genre: Biography, Drama, History, Music
Director: Ethan Hawke
Actors: Alia Shawkat, Ben Dickey, Charlie Sexton, David Kallaway, Gurf Morlix, Jenn Lyon, Josh Hamilton, Lloyd Teddy Johnson Jr., Ritchie Montgomery, Wyatt Russell
Country: United States of America
Company: Ansgar Media, Black Hangar Studios, Cinetic Media
Worldwide Gross: $704,955