In this film directed by Bernardo Bertolucci, the story unfolds in Rome, where a reclusive British pianist, played by David Thewlis, becomes infatuated with his African housekeeper, portrayed by Thandie Newton. The narrative explores themes of love, sacrifice, and cultural differences as the pianist makes a life-altering gesture to win her affection. The film is noted for its minimal dialogue and rich visual storytelling. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Bernardo Bertolucci
Actors: Claudio Santamaria, David Thewlis, Elena Perino, John C. Ojwang, Massimo De Rossi, Thandiwe Newton, Veronica Lazar
Country: Italy, United Kingdom
Company: Fiction, Mediaset, Navert Film
Worldwide Gross: $2,048,740