In this heartwarming family film, two schoolchildren form an unlikely friendship with a stray dog who ultimately becomes their hero. As the children find themselves in a dangerous situation, the clever and resourceful dog steps in to save the day, showcasing themes of loyalty and bravery. Directed by Brandon Camp, the movie features Gabriel Bateman and Darby Camp in leading roles. While it hasn’t received any major awards, it offers a touching narrative that appeals to audiences of all ages. For those interested, the film is available to watch for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama, Family
Director: Brandon Camp
Actors: Angus Sampson, Brady Permenter, Darby Camp, Gabriel Bateman, Gralen Bryant Banks, Jerod Haynes, Jim Gleason, Kiele Sanchez, Tom Proctor, Will Rothhaar
Country: China, United Arab Emirates, United States of America
Company: Blumhouse Productions, Imagenation Abu Dhabi FZ, Meridian Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $585,333