In this visually stunning animated film directed by Mamoru Hosoda, a shy high school student named Suzu discovers a virtual world called “U,” where she transforms into a globally beloved singer known as Belle. As she navigates her dual life, Suzu encounters a mysterious creature within the virtual realm, leading her on a journey of self-discovery and courage. The film explores themes of identity, connection, and the impact of technology on human relationships. It was nominated for several awards, including an Annie Award for Best Independent Animated Feature. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 16
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Music, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Mamoru Hosoda
Actors: Fuyumi Sakamoto, Kaho Nakamura, Lilas Ikuta, Michiko Shimizu, Ryō Narita, Ryoko Moriyama, Sachiyo Nakao, Shota Sometani, Tina Tamashiro, Yoshimi Iwasaki, 玉城蒂娜
Country: Japan
Company: BookWalker, dentsu, Studio Chizu
Worldwide Gross: $64,679,830