Set against the backdrop of war-torn Lebanon in the 1980s, this gripping thriller follows a former U.S. diplomat, played by Jon Hamm, who is called back to Beirut to negotiate the release of a kidnapped colleague. As he navigates the complex political landscape, he must confront his own troubled past and the personal demons that haunt him. Rosamund Pike co-stars as a CIA operative who aids him in his mission. Directed by Brad Anderson, the film offers a tense and atmospheric portrayal of espionage and diplomacy. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Crime, Drama, Thriller
Director: Brad Anderson
Actors: Alon Aboutboul, Alon Abutbul, Dean Norris, Douglas Hodge, Jon Hamm, Jonny Coyne, Kate Fleetwood, Leïla Bekhti, Mark Pellegrino, Rosamund Pike, Shea Whigham
Country: United States of America
Company: Kasbah Films, Radar Pictures, ShivHans Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $7,509,436