Beast Stalker
In this intense Hong Kong crime thriller directed by Dante Lam, the story revolves around a dedicated police sergeant who becomes entangled in a complex web of crime and personal vendettas following a tragic accident. The film stars Nicholas Tse and Nick Cheung, whose performances drive the gripping narrative forward. As the sergeant grapples with his own guilt and the pursuit of justice, the plot unfolds with unexpected twists and emotional depth. This movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller
Director: Dante Lam
Actors: Derek Kwok, Joe Cheung Tung-cho, Kong Lau, Lau Kong, Liu Kai-Chi, Miao Pu, Nicholas Tse, Nick Cheung, Nick Cheung Ka-Fai, Sherman Chung Shu-Man, Zhang Chenghe, Zhang Jingchu
Country: Hong Kong
Company: Emperor Classic Films, Sil-Metropole Organisation
Worldwide Gross: $3,721,332