Set on the picturesque yet haunting island of Jersey, this 2018 film follows Moll, a troubled young woman played by Jessie Buckley, who finds herself drawn to a mysterious outsider, Pascal, portrayed by Johnny Flynn. As their relationship deepens, Moll becomes entangled in a series of local murders, leading her to question her own sense of morality and trust. Directed by Michael Pearce, the film is a gripping psychological thriller that explores themes of love, freedom, and the darkness within. Notably, Jessie Buckley’s performance received critical acclaim, marking her as a rising star in the industry. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Michael Pearce
Actors: Charley Palmer Rothwell, Geraldine James, Hattie Gotobed, Jessie Buckley, Johnny Flynn, Morgan Best, Oliver Maltman, Shannon Tarbet, Tim Woodward, Trystan Gravelle
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Agile Films, BFI Film Fund, British Film Institute (BFI)
Worldwide Gross: $1,744,071