In this vibrant and imaginative film directed by Greta Gerwig, audiences are taken on a whimsical journey through a fantastical world where the iconic doll comes to life. The story follows the protagonist as she embarks on an adventure of self-discovery, challenging societal norms and exploring themes of identity and empowerment. Starring Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling, the film combines humor, heart, and a touch of nostalgia, making it a delightful experience for viewers of all ages. While it has not yet received any awards, its unique approach and star-studded cast have garnered significant attention. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 118
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Featured movies, Golden Globe Nominated 2024, Golden Globe Winners 2024, Oscar 2024, Oscar Winners
Director: Greta Gerwig
Actors: Alexandra Shipp, America Ferrera, Ana Kayne, Ariana Greenblatt, Emerald Fennell, Emma Mackey, Hari Nef, Helen Mirren, Issa Rae, Kate McKinnon, Margot Robbie, Michael Cera, Rhea Perlman, Ryan Gosling, Sharon Rooney, Simu Liu, Will Ferrell
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Heyday Films, LuckyChap, LuckyChap Entertainment, Warner Bros.
Worldwide Gross: $1,446,938,421