Bad Milo
In this 2013 horror-comedy, Ken Marino stars as Duncan, a stressed-out man who discovers that his intense anxiety has manifested into a small creature living in his intestines. This creature, which emerges to violently eliminate the sources of Duncan’s stress, leads to a series of darkly comedic and bizarre events. The film, directed by Jacob Vaughan, blends elements of humor and horror, creating a unique narrative that explores themes of stress and personal demons. Notably, the movie also features performances by Gillian Jacobs and Peter Stormare. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Jacob Vaughan
Actors: Adrian Quinonez, Gillian Jacobs, Jonathan Daniel Brown, Ken Marino, Mary Kay Place, Nick Jaine, Patrick Warburton, Peter Stormare, Stephen Root, Toby Huss
Country: United States of America
Company: Duplass Brothers Productions, Floren Shieh Productions, New Artists Alliance
Worldwide Gross: $19,613