Baba Joon
Set in a rural Iranian-Israeli community, this film explores the generational conflict within a family of Persian Jewish immigrants. The story centers on Yitzhak, who runs a turkey farm, and his son Moti, who dreams of a different future, leading to a clash of tradition and modernity. The film is directed by Yuval Delshad and features standout performances by actors such as Navid Negahban. Notably, it won the Ophir Award for Best Film, Israel’s equivalent of the Oscars. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Drama
Director: Yuval Delshad
Actors: Asher Avrahami, David Ben-Avraham, David Diaan, Navid Negahban, Rafael Eliasi, Viss Elliot Safavi
Country: Israel
Company: Metro Communications
Worldwide Gross: $11,541