As the Light Goes Out
Set against the backdrop of a bustling Hong Kong, this intense drama follows a group of dedicated firefighters as they confront a catastrophic blaze threatening the city. The film stars Nicholas Tse, Shawn Yue, and Simon Yam, who deliver compelling performances that capture the peril and heroism of their characters. Directed by Chi-Kin Kwok, the movie intricately weaves personal and professional challenges, highlighting the bravery and camaraderie of the fire brigade. While it did not receive major awards, its gripping narrative and action sequences have been noted by audiences. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Chi-Kin Kwok
Actors: Andy On, Deep Ng Ho-Hong, Hu Jun, Jackie Chan, Liu Kai-Chi, Nicholas Tse, Patrick Tam, Shawn Yue, Simon Yam, William Chan, William Chan Wai-Ting
Country: Hong Kong
Company: Emperor Film Production, Media Asia Films, ZhuJiang Film Group
Worldwide Gross: $15,973,348