Arctic Dogs
In this animated adventure, a small Arctic fox named Swifty dreams of becoming a top dog at the Arctic Blast Delivery Service. As he embarks on a mission to prove himself, Swifty uncovers a sinister plot by the villainous walrus, Otto Von Walrus, who plans to melt the polar ice caps and flood the world. The film features the voices of stars like Jeremy Renner, Heidi Klum, and James Franco. Directed by Aaron Woodley, this family-friendly movie offers a blend of humor and environmental themes. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Director: Aaron Woodley
Actors: Alec Baldwin, Anjelica Huston, Donny Falsetti, Heidi Klum, James Franco, Jeremy Renner, John Cleese, Laurie Holden, Michael Madsen, Omar Sy
Country: Canada, China, India, Italy, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: AMBI Group, Arctic Justice Movie, Assemblage Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $10,445,192