Apt Pupil
In this psychological thriller, a high school student becomes obsessed with a dark secret from the past after discovering that his elderly neighbor is a former Nazi war criminal. The film explores themes of power, manipulation, and the haunting nature of guilt. Starring Ian McKellen and Brad Renfro, the movie delves into the complex relationship between the two main characters. Directed by Bryan Singer, it offers a chilling narrative that keeps viewers on edge. For those interested, the movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 3
Director: Bryan Singer
Actors: Ann Dowd, Blake Anthony Tibbetts, Brad Renfro, Bruce Davison, David Cooley, David Schwimmer, Elias Koteas, Grace Sinden, Heather McComb, Ian McKellen, James Karen, Jan Tříska, Joe Morton, Joshua Jackson, Katherine Malone, Marjorie Lovett, Michael Byrne, Michael Reid MacKay, Mickey Cottrell
Country: Canada, France, United States of America
Company: Bad Hat Harry Productions, Bluebush Productions, Canal+ Droits Audiovisuels, Phoenix Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $8,863,193