Set during World War II, this gripping historical drama follows the true story of Operation Anthropoid, the mission to assassinate SS General Reinhard Heydrich, a key architect of the Holocaust. The film stars Cillian Murphy and Jamie Dornan as the courageous Czech resistance fighters tasked with this perilous mission. Directed by Sean Ellis, the movie meticulously captures the tension and moral complexities faced by the operatives. While it did not receive major awards, it is noted for its intense performances and historical accuracy. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Biography, Drama, History, Thriller, War
Director: Sean Ellis
Actors: Alena Mihulová, Anna Geislerová, Bill Milner, Charlotte Le Bon, Cillian Murphy, Harry Lloyd, Jamie Dornan, Marcin Dorociński, Sam Keeley, Toby Jones
Country: Czech Republic, France, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: 22h22, LD Entertainment, Z Film Productions
Worldwide Gross: $5,079,219