In this visually striking musical drama, a provocative stand-up comedian, played by Adam Driver, and a world-renowned opera singer, portrayed by Marion Cotillard, navigate the complexities of their passionate and tumultuous relationship. Their lives take an unexpected turn with the birth of their daughter, who possesses a unique gift that changes everything. Directed by the visionary Leos Carax, the film is noted for its bold storytelling and innovative musical elements, featuring music by the art-pop duo Sparks. It premiered at the 2021 Cannes Film Festival, where Carax won the Best Director award. For those interested, the movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 10
Genre: Drama, Music, Musical, Romance
Director: Leos Carax
Actors: Adam Driver, Angèle, Christiane Tchouhan, Cindy Almouzni, Devyn McDowell, Franziska Grohmann, Marion Cotillard, Natalia Lafourcade, Natalie Mendoza, Rachel Mulowayi, Rebecca Dyson-Smith, Rila Fukushima, Ron Mael, Russell Mael, Simon Helberg, Sinay Bavurhe
Country: Belgium, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Switzerland, United States of America
Company: CG Cinéma, Theo Films, Tribus P Film
Worldwide Gross: $3,688,261