And Soon The Darkness
In this suspenseful thriller, two American friends, played by Amber Heard and Odette Yustman, embark on a cycling trip through the remote countryside of Argentina. Their idyllic journey takes a dark turn when one of them goes missing, leading to a desperate search in a foreign land where danger lurks at every corner. Directed by Marcos Efron, the film builds tension through its atmospheric setting and gripping narrative. While it did not receive any major awards, it offers a chilling exploration of trust and survival. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Crime, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Marcos Efron
Actors: Adriana Barraza, Amber Heard, CĂ©sar Vianco, Daniel Figuereido, Gia Mantegna, Jorge Booth, Karl Urban, Luis Sabatini, Michel Noher, Odette Annable
Country: Argentina, France, United States of America
Company: Abandon Pictures, Anchor Bay Entertainment, Priority Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $177,182