An American Werewolf in London
Directed by John Landis, this 1981 horror-comedy film follows two American college students, David and Jack, who are backpacking through England when they are attacked by a werewolf. The story unfolds as David grapples with the aftermath of the attack, experiencing strange dreams and terrifying transformations. The film is notable for its groundbreaking special effects, particularly the werewolf transformation scenes, which earned it the first-ever Academy Award for Best Makeup. Starring David Naughton and Griffin Dunne, this cult classic blends humor and horror in a unique way. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: John Landis
Actors: Brian Glover, David Naughton, David Schofield, Don McKillop, Griffin Dunne, Jenny Agutter, John Woodvine, Lila Kaye, Rik Mayall, Sean Baker
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: American Werewolf, Lyncanthrope Films, Polygram Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $30,819,283