Amerika Square
Set against the backdrop of Athens, this film intricately weaves the lives of three individuals grappling with the challenges of immigration and economic hardship. The narrative explores themes of xenophobia, friendship, and survival, as the characters navigate their intersecting paths in a city marked by social tension. Starring Vassilis Koukalani, Makis Papadimitriou, and Yannis Stankoglou, the film offers a poignant look at contemporary Greek society. Directed by Yannis Sakaridis, it has been praised for its compelling storytelling and authentic portrayal of urban life. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Drama
Director: Yannis Sakaridis
Actors: Alexandros Logothetis, Dorothea Howlader, Errikos Litsis, Kostas Kourt, Ksenia Dania, Makis Papadimitriou, Rea Pediaditaki, Sultan Amir, Themis Bazaka, Vassilis Koukalani, Vassilis Kukalani, Yannis Stankoglou
Country: Germany, Greece, United Kingdom
Company: Arktos, Athens Filmmakers' Coop, Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation (ERT)
Worldwide Gross: $31,703