In this whimsical French film, the story follows a young woman with a vivid imagination and a unique sense of justice as she embarks on a quest to improve the lives of those around her in the vibrant streets of Montmartre, Paris. The film stars Audrey Tautou in the titular role, whose performance brings a charming and quirky depth to the character. Directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet, the movie is celebrated for its distinctive visual style and heartwarming narrative. It received critical acclaim and was nominated for five Academy Awards, highlighting its international success. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 30
Genre: Comedy, Romance, Top250Movies
Director: Jean-Pierre Jeunet
Actors: Audrey Tautou, Claire Maurier, Clotilde Mollet, Dominique Pinon, Isabelle Nanty, Jamel Debbouze, Lorella Cravotta, Mathieu Kassovitz, Rufus, Serge Merlin
Company: Claudie Ossard Productions, Union Générale Cinématographique (UGC), Victoires Productions
Worldwide Gross: $175,183,052