Age of Uprising: The Legend of Michael Kohlhaas
Set in 16th-century France, this historical drama follows the story of a horse dealer who seeks justice after being wronged by a nobleman. The film explores themes of honor, revenge, and the struggle against systemic injustice. Mads Mikkelsen delivers a compelling performance as the titular character, supported by a strong cast including Mélusine Mayance and Delphine Chuillot. Directed by Arnaud des Pallières, the movie is a visually striking adaptation of Heinrich von Kleist’s novella. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Arnaud des Pallières
Actors: Bruno Ganz, David Bennent, David Kross, Delphine Chuillot, Denis Lavant, Mads Mikkelsen, Mélusine Mayance, Paul Bartel, Roxane Duran, Swann Arlaud
Company: Hérodiade, Les Films d'Ici, LOOKSfilm
Worldwide Gross: $813,550