Age of the Dragons
In this reimagining of Herman Melville’s classic novel “Moby Dick,” the story is set in a fantastical world where dragons replace the great white whale. Captain Ahab, played by Danny Glover, is obsessed with hunting the elusive White Dragon that scarred him in his youth. The film follows the crew of the ship, the Pequod, as they navigate treacherous landscapes and face internal conflicts. Directed by Ryan Little, this adventure blends elements of fantasy and drama. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Director: Ryan Little
Actors: Corey Sevier, Danny Glover, David Morgan, Kepa Kruse, Larry Bagby, Raphael Cruz, Sofia Pernas, Vinnie Jones, Wayne Brennan, Yanique Bland
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Cosmic Pictures, Koan, Metrodome Distribution