A Madea Family Funeral
In this comedic drama, a joyous family reunion turns into an unexpected funeral, leading to a series of revelations and family secrets coming to light. The film features Tyler Perry, who not only stars as the iconic Madea but also directs the movie, bringing his signature blend of humor and heart. The ensemble cast includes Cassi Davis and Patrice Lovely, who deliver memorable performances alongside Perry. While the film did not receive any major awards, it continues to entertain audiences with its mix of comedy and drama. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 28
Director: Tyler Perry
Actors: Aeriél Miranda, Cassi Davis, Ciera Payton, Courtney Burrell, Derek Morgan, Jen Harper, KJ Smith, Patrice Lovely, Rome Flynn, Tyler Perry
Country: United States of America
Company: The Tyler Perry Company, Tyler Perry Studios
Worldwide Gross: $74,747,725