A Madea Christmas
In this holiday-themed comedy, the indomitable Madea, played by Tyler Perry, embarks on a journey to a small rural town to surprise her niece, Eileen, portrayed by Anna Maria Horsford, for Christmas. The film explores themes of family, acceptance, and the spirit of the holiday season as Madea’s unfiltered personality brings both chaos and laughter to the town’s festivities. Directed by Tyler Perry, the movie features a cast that includes Larry the Cable Guy and Tika Sumpter. While it did not receive any major awards, it offers a blend of humor and heartwarming moments typical of Perry’s Madea series. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 30
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Holiday Comedy, Romance
Director: Tyler Perry
Actors: Alicia Witt, Anna Maria Horsford, Chad Michael Murray, Eric Lively, Jonathan Chase, Kathy Najimy, Larry the Cable Guy, Lisa Whelchel, Noah Urrea, Tika Sumpter, Tyler Perry
Country: United States of America
Company: The Tyler Perry Company, Tyler Perry Studios
Worldwide Gross: $53,396,635