A Golden Christmas
Following an enchanting summer, a nine-year-old boy confides his deepest feelings to his closest friend. Accompanied by a faithful golden dog, the boy and girl bury a time capsule filled with cherished items before parting ways. Years later, both seeking a new beginning, a man and woman return to the place that felt like home during their childhood. However, a humorous mix-up regarding their identities leads them to vie for the same childhood memories, sparking a series of Christmas adventures. To find happiness, they must uncover their shared past before they completely disrupt each other’s lives. Will the golden dog guide them back to where they belong?
Views: 5
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Family, Romance
Director: John Murlowski
Actors: Alley Mills, Andrea Roth, Bruce Davison, Daniel Zykov, Elisa Donovan, Jason London, Kali Majors, Melody Hollis, Nicholas Brendon, Robert Seay
Country: United States of America
Company: Maple Island Films