A Chorus Line
Set against the backdrop of a Broadway theater, this film delves into the intense and emotional audition process for a new musical. The story follows a group of hopeful dancers, each revealing their personal struggles and aspirations as they vie for a coveted spot in the chorus line. Directed by Richard Attenborough, the movie captures the raw passion and vulnerability of performers in the competitive world of theater. Notably, the film features Michael Douglas in a leading role. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 6
Director: Richard Attenborough
Actors: Alyson Reed, Audrey Landers, Cameron English, Gregg Burge, Janet Jones, Michael Douglas, Michelle Johnston, Pam Klinger, Terrence Mann, Vicki Frederick
Country: United States of America
Company: A Feuer and Martin Production, Embassy Pictures, Polygram Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $14,203,951