A California Christmas
In this romantic comedy, a wealthy and carefree businessman poses as a ranch hand to convince a hardworking farmer to sell her family land before Christmas. As he immerses himself in the rural lifestyle, he begins to question his priorities and finds himself falling for the farmer, leading to unexpected complications. The film stars Lauren Swickard and Josh Swickard, who bring genuine chemistry to their roles. Directed by Shaun Paul Piccinino, the movie offers a heartwarming narrative set against the picturesque backdrop of California’s countryside. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Shaun Paul Piccinino
Actors: Ali Afshar, Amanda Detmer, David Del Rio, Gunnar Anderson, Josh Swickard, Julie Lancaster, Katelyn Epperly, Lorynn York, Montanna Gillis, Natalia Mann
Country: United States of America
Company: ESX Entertainment