A Boy Called Sailboat
In this heartwarming tale, a young boy named Sailboat discovers a small guitar and embarks on a journey that brings hope and inspiration to his family and community. The film stars J.K. Simmons and Jake Busey, adding depth to its charming narrative. Directed by Cameron Nugent, the movie beautifully captures the power of music and dreams. While it hasn’t received major awards, its unique storytelling and endearing characters have resonated with audiences. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Cameron Nugent
Actors: Addam Bramich, Bernard Curry, Elizabeth De Razzo, J.K. Simmons, Jake Busey, Jamal Doman, Julian Atocani Sanchez, Lew Temple, Noel Gugliemi, Patricia Kalis
Country: Australia, United States of America
Company: iCandy Productions, Sailboat Productions, Yellow Brick Films
Worldwide Gross: $24,988