A Boy Called Christmas
In this enchanting holiday film directed by Gil Kenan, a young boy embarks on a magical journey to the snowy north in search of his father and the fabled village of Elfhelm. Along the way, he encounters a host of whimsical characters, including a talking mouse and a reindeer named Blitzen. The movie features a talented cast, including Maggie Smith and Jim Broadbent, who bring warmth and charm to this heartwarming tale. While it hasn’t garnered any major awards, the film’s captivating storytelling and stunning visuals make it a delightful watch for audiences of all ages. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 14
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Holiday Family
Director: Gil Kenan
Actors: Henry Lawfull, Indica Watson, Jim Broadbent, Kristen Wiig, Maggie Smith, Michiel Huisman, Rune Temte, Sally Hawkins, Stephen Merchant, Toby Jones, Zoe Colletti
Country: Czech Republic, France, Germany, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Canal+, Netflix, StudioCanal
Worldwide Gross: $3,704,685